Enjoy art classes in March, April, and May 2021 through the PRCA!
Painting, drawing, calligraphy, collage, and more for kids and adults.
Sign up for a class in two easy steps at the bottom of this page:
1) Fill out the registration form to choose your class(es).
2) Pay for your class(es).
3) Pick up supplies at the Prairie Renaissance Cultural Alliance, 630 Atlantic Avenue in Morris, MN during open hours (or by appointment).
Upcoming Classes
Title: Easy Printmaking
Teacher: Sarah Eckel
Format: Combo
Description: This class will make simple prints using acrylic paint and styrofoam. Using styrofoam sheets, learn to etch a design and print it to make art for your wall, as gifts and cards!
Who: Kids 8+
When: May 1st, 2pm
Title: Thinking About Color
Teacher: Jenny Nellis
Description: This class is intended for quilters, knitters, embroiderers, painters, sewers, and anyone who works with color. We will experiment with color mixing using acrylic paint to try out various color combinations based on the color wheel. Participants should bring a picture with colors they like for a color mixing exercise.
Who: 14+
When: May 8th, 3pm
Duration: 1hr 30min
Location: PRCA, 630 Atlantic Ave, Morris, MN
COVID Protocols: This class will require masks and physical distancing to follow guidelines recommended by the CDC.
Past Classes for Adults
Title: Painting Flowers With Della
Teacher: Della Conroy
Format: Live
Description: We will paint spring flowers like pansies, tulips, & hyacinths in a one hour watercolor class. Join in the fun!
Who: 10+
When: March 23rd, 7pm
Title: Introduction to Zentangle
Teacher: Diane Trew CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher)
Format: Live
Description: Zentangle is an easy to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Almost anyone can use it to create beautiful images. It increases focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with a personal sense of well being. The class will provide a beginner with a background in the history of Zentangle, introduce them to the basic steps and methods and expose them to the associated vocabulary and tools. Students will create actual Zentangle tiles and will understand that “anything is possible one stroke at a time.”
Who: 15+
When: March 16th, 7pm
Duration: 1.5 hours
Title: Italic Calligraphy for Beginners
Teacher: Nancy Altain
Format: Live
Description: Learn to draw a basic Italic alphabet with pencils and a felt tip chisel point pen in a one hour session.
Who: 12+
When: April 17th, 2pm
Past Classes for Kids
Title: BubblePalooza Paintings
Teacher: Jane Rennick
Format: Live
Description: Take your finger painting skills to the next level with this fun technique! Using soap and paint, we will create fabulous and vibrant bubble paintings together that will be sure to brighten up our gloomy winter.
Who:Kids Ages 5-10
When: March 8th, 4:30pm
Title: Zentangle Apprentice: An Introduction to Zentangle
Teacher: Diane Trew CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher)
Description: Zentangle is an easy to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. The method provides a path for creating art from patterns by breaking them down into elemental strokes. It requires no artistic ability, but can open a door to art and creativity for all ages and abilities.
Who: Ages 4-12
When: March 22nd, 4:30pm
Duration: 45-60 min
Title: Collage for Kids
Teacher: Lori Kurpiers
Format: Live
Description: This class will have you exploring layers and textures, colors and shapes, drawing and painting. Using collected images and text from magazines, old books, your doodles, and more, we will create a multi-layered collage piece with few rules but lots of fun.
Who: Ages 8+
When: April 10th, 2pm
Title: Easy Printmaking
Teacher: Sarah Eckel
Format: Combo
Description: This class will make simple prints using acrylic paint and styrofoam. Using styrofoam sheets, learn to etch a design and print it to make art for your wall, as gifts and cards!
Who: Kids
When: April 21st, 1:30pm
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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.